Open House at Tulita

2nd grade is almost over! Can't believe another year has gone by. We had a great time visiting Josette's class and seeing all of her artwork, reports and math and writing accomplishments. Her teachers, Mrs. Millinder and Ms. Linnett, have guided her through the year and taught her many new things giving her confidence and praise along the way. I asked her about the highlights of her year and she said they included her "animal report, trip to the Zoo, her last day of school, trip with Mom to Wilderness Park, playing handball and two-touch and meeting Mrs. Millinder." "Oh and one more, making my paper body!" She likes her school, likes her teacher, likes playing with friends and she likes learning new things. She took two classes after school this year... art class and chess.
We are looking forward to a fun summer and preparing for 3rd grade right around the corner.

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