Grandma Furnare's 97th Birthday

There's nothing better than being with loved ones!  Celebrating Grams birthday during these trying times is exactly what we needed!  Contsance Furnare is an amazing woman!  She sheds light on everyone.  She's eternally grateful and extremely positive but also a realist.  She says it like it is with grace and understanding.  Everyday with her is a gift and being together is good for our souls
Gigi, Joyce, Jessie, Josette and Grams
Jeff and Grams
Raquel and Aunt Cathy
Krista and Nick
Jonah and Gigi

John Paul, Josh, Caleb, Raquel, Van, Jacob and Jessie
The Corads Clan

Aunt Cathy, Joyce, Grams, Mom and Sylvie

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